. "Wembury, England"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1943-10-16"^^ . . . . . . . "Professor Roland Levinsky (16 October 1943 \u2013 1 January 2007) was an academic researcher in biomedicine and a university senior manager. His last post, which he held at the time of his death, was as vice-chancellor of the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. He was born in South Africa to Jewish parents. His father emigrated from the Lithuania/Poland area to South Africa to escape persecution; many of his relatives died in Nazi-German death camps. Professor Levinsky noted that \"Father was a communist and we had our fair share of police raids.\""@en . "Roland Levinsky"@en . . . . . . "2007-01-01"^^ . . . . . . "Roland Levinsky (Bloemfontein, \u00C1frica do Sul, 16 de outubro de 1943 - , Devon, Inglaterra, 1 de janeiro de 2007) foi um pesquisador acad\u00E9mico em biomedicina e um alto administrador universit\u00E1rio. O seu \u00FAltimo posto, o qual desempenhava na \u00E9poca da sua morte, era o de vice-reitor da no Reino Unido. Levinsky nasceu na \u00C1frica do Sul, filho de pais judeus. O seu pai emigrou da zona da Litu\u00E2nia/Pol\u00F3nia para a \u00C1frica do Sul para escapar de persegui\u00E7\u00F5es; muitos dos seus parentes morreram em campos de morte. O Professor Levinsky anotou que \"o pai foi um comunista e n\u00F3s tivemos a nossa cota de raids policiais\". A especializa\u00E7\u00E3o inicial de Levinsky foi como pediatra, e tornou-se um l\u00EDder na pesquisa em desordens relacionadas com a Imunodefici\u00EAncia. Trabalhou durante v\u00E1rios anos no Great Ormond Street Hospital em Londres. Subsequentemente, a partir de 1990, ele serviu como acad\u00E9mico e Director de Pesquisa no da , e a partir de 1999 at\u00E9 \u00E0 sua nomea\u00E7\u00E3o para Plymouth, como vice-reitor porBiomedicina e l\u00EDder da \"Graduate School\" do col\u00E9gio. Ele teve creditadas mais de 250 publica\u00E7\u00F5es cient\u00EDficas publicadas. Na sua nomea\u00E7\u00E3o para segundo vice-reitor da Universidade de Plymouth em setembro de 2002, Levinsky serviu ele pr\u00F3prio para elevar a universidade desde a sua posi\u00E7\u00E3o de uma das principais universidades p\u00F3s-1992 para rival de institui\u00E7\u00F5es mais antigas e institui\u00E7\u00F5es com pesquisa mais intensiva. Para fazer isso, mostrou-se disposto a tomar decis\u00F5es impopulares, tais como a contrata\u00E7\u00E3o de professores universit\u00E1rios (fora da \u00E1res da sa\u00FAde) na pr\u00F3pria Plymouth, com a conclus\u00E3o dos campus em Exeter, (a antiga Agricultural College), e (a antiga of Education, devendo mudar para Plymouth em 2008). Essas mudan\u00E7as deram sem d\u00FAvida a Plymouth a estrutura das desde h\u00E1 muito estabelecidas universidades brit\u00E2nicas. O Professor Levinsky morreu aos 63 anos num acidente enquanto enquanto caminhava com a sua esposa num clima tempestuoso, no Dia de Ano Novo de 2007. Ventos fortes fizeram cair cabos de alta tens\u00E3o perto da sua casa em , e um dos cabos tocou-lhe provocando-lhe a morte por eletrocuss\u00E3o."@pt . . . . . "2007-01-01"^^ . . . . . "6234335"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "1943"^^ . . . . . "2007"^^ . "Bloemfontein, South Africa"@en . . . . . . . . . . "4657"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Roland Levinsky"@en . "Roland Levinsky"@en . . . . . . . . . "Roland Levinsky (Bloemfontein, \u00C1frica do Sul, 16 de outubro de 1943 - , Devon, Inglaterra, 1 de janeiro de 2007) foi um pesquisador acad\u00E9mico em biomedicina e um alto administrador universit\u00E1rio. O seu \u00FAltimo posto, o qual desempenhava na \u00E9poca da sua morte, era o de vice-reitor da no Reino Unido. O Professor Levinsky morreu aos 63 anos num acidente enquanto enquanto caminhava com a sua esposa num clima tempestuoso, no Dia de Ano Novo de 2007. Ventos fortes fizeram cair cabos de alta tens\u00E3o perto da sua casa em , e um dos cabos tocou-lhe provocando-lhe a morte por eletrocuss\u00E3o."@pt . . . . "Roland Levinsky"@pt . . . . . . "Professor Roland Levinsky (16 October 1943 \u2013 1 January 2007) was an academic researcher in biomedicine and a university senior manager. His last post, which he held at the time of his death, was as vice-chancellor of the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. He was born in South Africa to Jewish parents. His father emigrated from the Lithuania/Poland area to South Africa to escape persecution; many of his relatives died in Nazi-German death camps. Professor Levinsky noted that \"Father was a communist and we had our fair share of police raids.\" Professor Levinsky was killed in an accident while out walking in stormy weather with his wife, on New Year's Day 2007. High winds blew down overhead power cables in a field near his house in Wembury, and a live cable touched him, causing his electrocution. Levinsky's initial specialisation was as a paediatrician, and he became a world leader in research on immunodeficiency diseases. He worked for several years at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London where he performed Britain's first successful bone marrow transplant. Subsequently, from 1990, he served as dean and director of research at the Institute of Child Health of University College, London, and from 1999 until his appointment to Plymouth, as Vice-Provost for Biomedicine and Head of the Graduate School of the college. He had over 250 scientific publications to his credit. On his appointment as the University of Plymouth's second vice-chancellor in September 2002, Levinsky set himself to lift the university from its then position as one of the leading post-1992 universities to rival much older and more research-intensive institutions. To do so, he was willing to take unpopular decisions, such as the concentration of the university's teaching (outside the health arena) in Plymouth itself, with the closure of its campuses in Exeter, Newton Abbot (the former Seale-Hayne Agricultural College), and Exmouth (the former Rolle College of Education, moved to Plymouth in 2008). These moves undoubtedly gave Plymouth more the structure of the longer-established UK universities, and its position in the education media's league tables rose sharply in his period of office. The new Arts building, opened in September 2007 was named The Roland Levinsky Building in his honour. A memorial fund was also established in his name."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1943-10-16"^^ . . . "1088323768"^^ . . . . . . . . . .