. . . "Quamrul Hassan (bengali : \u0995\u09BE\u09AE\u09B0\u09C1\u09B2 \u09B9\u09BE\u09B8\u09BE\u09A8, 1921-1988) \u00E9tait un artiste bengali. Hassan est souvent appel\u00E9 Potua au Bangladesh, un mot habituellement associ\u00E9 aux artistes folkloriques, en raison de son style terre \u00E0 terre mais tr\u00E8s moderne dans la nature car il a toujours ajout\u00E9 le cubisme \u00E0 ses \u0153uvres d'art. En plus de son h\u00E9ritage artistique, deux des \u0153uvres d'Hassan font maintenant partie de l'histoire politique du Bangladesh. La premi\u00E8re est une restitution monstrueuse de Yahya Khan, le pr\u00E9sident pakistanais qui a ordonn\u00E9 le g\u00E9nocide au Bangladesh. Le second \u00E9tait juste avant sa mort, se moquant du dictateur bangladais de l'\u00E9poque, Hossain Mohammad Ershad. Cette esquisse \u00E9tait intitul\u00E9e \u00AB Desh aaj bisshobeheheyar khoppre \u00BB (Notre terre est maintenant entre les mains du champion de l'impude"@fr . . "9744"^^ . "Quamrul Hassan (bengali : \u0995\u09BE\u09AE\u09B0\u09C1\u09B2 \u09B9\u09BE\u09B8\u09BE\u09A8, 1921-1988) \u00E9tait un artiste bengali. Hassan est souvent appel\u00E9 Potua au Bangladesh, un mot habituellement associ\u00E9 aux artistes folkloriques, en raison de son style terre \u00E0 terre mais tr\u00E8s moderne dans la nature car il a toujours ajout\u00E9 le cubisme \u00E0 ses \u0153uvres d'art. En plus de son h\u00E9ritage artistique, deux des \u0153uvres d'Hassan font maintenant partie de l'histoire politique du Bangladesh. La premi\u00E8re est une restitution monstrueuse de Yahya Khan, le pr\u00E9sident pakistanais qui a ordonn\u00E9 le g\u00E9nocide au Bangladesh. Le second \u00E9tait juste avant sa mort, se moquant du dictateur bangladais de l'\u00E9poque, Hossain Mohammad Ershad. Cette esquisse \u00E9tait intitul\u00E9e \u00AB Desh aaj bisshobeheheyar khoppre \u00BB (Notre terre est maintenant entre les mains du champion de l'impudeur). Hassan a enseign\u00E9 \u00E0 Rafiqun Nabi."@fr . . . . . . "Quamrul Hassan (Bengali: \u0995\u09BE\u09AE\u09B0\u09C1\u09B2 \u09B9\u09BE\u09B8\u09BE\u09A8, 1921\u20131988) was a Bengali artist. Hassan is referred to in Bangladesh as Potua, a word usually associated with folk artists, due to his down to earth style yet very modern in nature as he always added Cubism other than the folk style to his artworks. In addition to his artistic legacy, two of Hassan's work have come to be part of Bangladesh's political history. The first of this is a monstrous rendition of Yahya Khan, the Pakistani president who ordered genocide in Bangladesh. The second was just before his death, mocking the then dictator of Bangladesh, Hossain Mohammad Ershad. This sketch was titled Desh aaj bisshobeheyar khoppre (Our land is now in the hand of the champion of shamelessness)."@en . . . . "\u30AB\u30E0\u30EB\u30EB\u30FB\u30CF\u30B5\u30F3\uFF08Quamrul Hassan\u30011921\u5E7412\u67082\u65E5 - 1988\u5E74\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D0\u30F3\u30B0\u30E9\u30C7\u30B7\u30E5\u306E\u753B\u5BB6\u3002\u30A4\u30F3\u30C9\u30B3\u30EB\u30AB\u30BF\u51FA\u8EAB\u3002"@ja . . "2168713"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Potua"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Bangladeshi"@en . . . . "Artist"@en . . . . . "\u30AB\u30E0\u30EB\u30EB\u30FB\u30CF\u30B5\u30F3"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . "1124620266"^^ . . . . "Calcutta, British India"@en . . "Quamrul Hassan"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30AB\u30E0\u30EB\u30EB\u30FB\u30CF\u30B5\u30F3\uFF08Quamrul Hassan\u30011921\u5E7412\u67082\u65E5 - 1988\u5E74\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D0\u30F3\u30B0\u30E9\u30C7\u30B7\u30E5\u306E\u753B\u5BB6\u3002\u30A4\u30F3\u30C9\u30B3\u30EB\u30AB\u30BF\u51FA\u8EAB\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . "Quamrul Hassan"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1921"^^ . . "Dhaka, Bangladesh"@en . "Quamrul Hassan"@en . . . . . "Quamrul Hassan (Bengali: \u0995\u09BE\u09AE\u09B0\u09C1\u09B2 \u09B9\u09BE\u09B8\u09BE\u09A8, 1921\u20131988) was a Bengali artist. Hassan is referred to in Bangladesh as Potua, a word usually associated with folk artists, due to his down to earth style yet very modern in nature as he always added Cubism other than the folk style to his artworks. In addition to his artistic legacy, two of Hassan's work have come to be part of Bangladesh's political history. The first of this is a monstrous rendition of Yahya Khan, the Pakistani president who ordered genocide in Bangladesh. The second was just before his death, mocking the then dictator of Bangladesh, Hossain Mohammad Ershad. This sketch was titled Desh aaj bisshobeheyar khoppre (Our land is now in the hand of the champion of shamelessness)."@en . . . . . . "Quamrul Hassan in 1955"@en . . . . . "1921"^^ . . . "Quamrul Hassan"@en . . .