. "Friedrich Krebs (mort en 1493 \u00E0 Strasbourg) \u00E9tait un facteur d'orgue allemand de la fin du XVe si\u00E8cle. N\u00E9 \u00E0 Schalkhausen, petit village pr\u00E8s d'Ansbach, il travailla en Franconie \u00E0 partir de 1471. Il \u00E9tait un parmi plusieurs importants facteurs d'orgue allemand de l'\u00E9poque qui contribu\u00E8rent \u00E0 la transition des orgues monoblocs du haut Moyen \u00C2ge aux orgues avec plusieurs divisions et registrations ind\u00E9pendantes. Il \u00E9largit \u00E9galement la gamme des claviers des p\u00E9daliers de si \u00E0 f\" de F \u00E0 a\" (manuels) et de la \u00E0 de fa \u00E0 c' (p\u00E9dales). Parmi les \u00E9glises pour lesquelles il construisit des orgues on compte : \u2013 Saint-S\u00E9bald, Nuremberg (petit orgue en 1471, restauration du grand orgue originellement par Heinrich Traxdorf en 1481) ;\u2013 Saint-Martin, Amberg (1476) ;\u2013 Moritzkirche, Cobourg (1487) ;\u2013 cath\u00E9drale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg (petit orgue en 1478, grand orgue en 1491) ;\u2013 \u00E9glise Saint-Georges de Haguenau, (1493, termin\u00E9 par Michael D\u00FCrr, le neveu de Krebs)."@fr . . . . "Friedrich Kress (Orgelbauer)"@de . "Friedrich Kress, auch Krebs oder Krebser (* in Schalkhausen; \u2020 1493 in Stra\u00DFburg) war ein deutscher Orgelbauer."@de . . . . "13890798"^^ . . "1092413249"^^ . . . . "Friedrich Krebs (mort en 1493 \u00E0 Strasbourg) \u00E9tait un facteur d'orgue allemand de la fin du XVe si\u00E8cle. N\u00E9 \u00E0 Schalkhausen, petit village pr\u00E8s d'Ansbach, il travailla en Franconie \u00E0 partir de 1471. Il \u00E9tait un parmi plusieurs importants facteurs d'orgue allemand de l'\u00E9poque qui contribu\u00E8rent \u00E0 la transition des orgues monoblocs du haut Moyen \u00C2ge aux orgues avec plusieurs divisions et registrations ind\u00E9pendantes. Il \u00E9largit \u00E9galement la gamme des claviers des p\u00E9daliers de si \u00E0 f\" de F \u00E0 a\" (manuels) et de la \u00E0 de fa \u00E0 c' (p\u00E9dales)."@fr . "Friedrich Krebs (died 1493) was an early German organ builder. He was born in , a small village near Ansbach, and worked in Franconia from about 1471. He was one of several important German organ builders of the time who contributed to the transition from the gothic Blockwerk organ to organs with several divisions and independent stops. He also extended the range of keyboards and pedalboards from B to f\" to F to a\" (manuals) and from A to a to F to c' (pedals). Churches he provided instruments for include the following: \n* St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg (small organ in 1471, restoration of the large organ originally by Heinrich Traxdorf in 1481) \n* St. Martin, Amberg (1476) \n* Moritzkirche, Coburg (1487) \n* Strasbourg Cathedral, Strasbourg (small organ in 1478, large organ in 1491) \n* St. George's Church, Haguenau (1493, completed by Krebs' nephew Michael D\u00FCrr) He died in Strasbourg."@en . . "Friedrich Krebs"@fr . . "Friedrich Kress, auch Krebs oder Krebser (* in Schalkhausen; \u2020 1493 in Stra\u00DFburg) war ein deutscher Orgelbauer."@de . . . . . . . . . "Friedrich Krebs (died 1493) was an early German organ builder. He was born in , a small village near Ansbach, and worked in Franconia from about 1471. He was one of several important German organ builders of the time who contributed to the transition from the gothic Blockwerk organ to organs with several divisions and independent stops. He also extended the range of keyboards and pedalboards from B to f\" to F to a\" (manuals) and from A to a to F to c' (pedals). Churches he provided instruments for include the following: He died in Strasbourg."@en . . . . "2008-05-16"^^ . . . . "Friedrich Krebs (organ builder)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1756"^^ . . . . .