. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Development Cup: Camberley Town"@en . . "2021\u201322" . . "61"^^ . . "Division One: London Lions"@en . . . . . . . "The Combined Counties Football League \u00E4r en engelsk regional fotbollsliga. Den best\u00E5r till st\u00F6rsta delen av lag fr\u00E5n in Berkshire, Hampshire, Kent, London, Middlesex, Oxfordshire och Surrey. Den har tv\u00E5 divisioner och . Premier Division ligger p\u00E5 niv\u00E5 9 i det engelska ligasystemet. Den kan i sin nuvarande skepnad sp\u00E5ras tillbaka till 1978 n\u00E4r Surrey Senior League genomgick en f\u00F6r\u00E4ndring f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rs\u00F6ka attrahera fotbollsklubbar utanf\u00F6r grevskapet. Den nya ligan kallades till att b\u00F6rja med Home Counties League men efter protester s\u00E5 \u00E4ndrades namnet 1979 till det nuvarande. En s\u00E4song 1981-82 s\u00E5 hade ligan f\u00F6r m\u00E5nga lag f\u00F6r en serie s\u00E5 man delade upp lagen i tv\u00E5 serier, Eastern and Western. fr\u00E5n Western vann \u00F6ver fr\u00E5n Eastern med 3-0 i en playoff i tv\u00E5 matcher. Combined Counties fick matarstatus till Isthmian League men f\u00E5 av m\u00E4starklubbarna hade de n\u00F6dv\u00E4ndiga faciliteter som beh\u00F6vts f\u00F6r avancemang upp\u00E5t. Efter FA:s omstruktureringen av seriesystemet kan klubbar flyttas upp till antingen Isthmian League eller Southern Football League. Vilken liga det blir beror p\u00E5 var klubben ligger. Ett liknande arrangemang fanns mellan Combined Counties och (f\u00F6re detta Surrey Premier League)) mellan 1982 och 2003. 2003 gick de b\u00E5da ligorna samman och klubbarna fr\u00E5n Surrey Senior County League bildade en ny division, Combined Counties League Division One, de gamla klubbarna i Combined Counties bildade Premier Division. Det finns automatisk upp (om faciliteterna uppfyller kraven) och nedflyttning mellan divisionerna. Lag fr\u00E5n Crawley and District Football League, East Berkshire Football League, Reading Football League, Surrey County Intermediate League (Western), Surrey South Eastern Combination och Middlesex County Football League kan flyttas upp till Division One om arenorna uppfyller vissa kriterier. Precis som hos de flesta ligorna p\u00E5 den h\u00E4r niv\u00E5n f\u00E5r spelarna (f\u00F6r det mesta) bara omkostnaderna betalda och publiksiffrorna brukar stanna runt 70 i snitt. Ett v\u00E4lkommet undantag var under tv\u00E5 s\u00E4songer fr\u00E5n 2002 n\u00E4r AFC Wimbledon erbj\u00F6ds en plats ligan och publiksiffrorna var fyrsiffriga p\u00E5 arenorna."@sv . . . . . . . . "Isthmian League Division One South Central or South East"@en . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . "2022"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Grant McLellan Youth Cup"@en . . . . . . . . "Premier Division North: Hanworth Villa"@en . . "Youth Cup:Godalming Town" . . . "1112733229"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Division One:London Lions" . . . . . . . . . "Development Cup:Camberley Town" . . . . ""@en . "Premier Challenge Cup"@en . . . . . . . "Combined Counties Football League"@en . "Division One Challenge Cup"@en . . "De Combined Counties Football League is een Engelse regionale voetbalcompetitie voor clubs uit de regio's Berkshire, Hampshire, Londen, Middlesex, Surrey en Guernsey. De competitie bestaat uit twee divisies, waarvan de hoogste divisie deel uitmaakt van het negende niveau in de Engelse voetbalpiramide."@nl . . "21298"^^ . . "2021"^^ . "Grant McLellan Youth Cup:Kingstonian" . "Premier Division North:Hanworth Villa" . "Jersey"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Youth Cup: Godalming Town"@en . . . . . . . . . . "1922"^^ . . "Division One Challenge Cup: Maccabi London Lions"@en . . "The Combined Counties Football League is a regional men's football league in south-eastern England with members in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Jersey, Kent, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Surrey, and the western half and south-eastern quarter of Greater London, featuring a number of professional clubs. It is sponsored by Cherry Red Records and is officially known as the Cherry Red Records Combined Counties Football League. It was founded in 1922 as the Surrey Senior League and was renamed in 1978 to the Combined Counties League. Initially, the league was a single division, but it consists now of 59 teams in three divisions: Premier Division North, Premier Division South and Division One. The league also has six teams competing in an Under-23 Development Division, known as the John Bennett Development Division, and eighteen Under-18 teams split across North and South divisions, known as the Tony Ford Under-18 Youth Divisions. The Premier Divisions North and South are two of sixteen recognised leagues to form the ninth level of the English football league system (known as Step 5 of the National League System), and Division One is one of seventeen recognised leagues at level 10 (known as Step 6 of the National League System). The Combined Counties Football League is a feeder to the Isthmian League and the Southern League."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Southern League Division One Central"@en . . "Combined Counties Football League"@it . . "La Combined Counties League \u00E8 una lega calcistica inglese a valenza regionale costituita da squadre provenienti da Berkshire, Greater London, Hampshire, Kent e Surrey. Come la Kent League, anch'essa si posiziona, nel suo gradino pi\u00F9 alto, alnono livello della piramide del calcio inglese.Le radici storiche di questa lega risalgono al 1978, quando la Surrey Senior League cerc\u00F2 di allargarsi tramite la partecipazione di squadre esterne a quella contea. Nacque cos\u00EC la Home Counties League, poi rinominata nei termini odierni nel 1979.Eccezionalmente, nella stagione 1981-82, a causa del gran numero di squadre iscritte la lega venne divisa in due gironi che videro le squadre vincenti affrontarsi in doppia gara per la conquista del titolo.Tecnicamente i vincitori della lega accedono al quarto gradino della Isthmian League o della Southern League, ma ci\u00F2 avviene di rado perch\u00E9 la maggior parte dei club non dispone di campi da gioco omologati per presenziare in categorie superiori.Dal punto di vista del trattamento economico, i giocatori delle squadre che militano in questa lega non percepiscono un vero e proprio stipendio, ma un rimborso spese.La lega ha conosciuto una certa notoriet\u00E0 nel 2002, quando accett\u00F2 di buon grado l'iscrizione dell'AFC Wimbledon."@it . . . "Youth Cup"@en . . . "Premier Division South: Beckenham Town"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "De Combined Counties Football League is een Engelse regionale voetbalcompetitie voor clubs uit de regio's Berkshire, Hampshire, Londen, Middlesex, Surrey en Guernsey. De competitie bestaat uit twee divisies, waarvan de hoogste divisie deel uitmaakt van het negende niveau in de Engelse voetbalpiramide. Clubs die bij de eerste drie in de Premier Division eindigen kunnen eventueel promoveren naar de Isthmian League of de Southern League, mits zij aan een reeks eisen voldoen. De drie laagst geklasseerde clubs komen in aanmerking voor degradatie naar Division One. De drie hoogst geklasseerde clubs in Division One kunnen eventueel promoveren als zij voldoen aan de criteria. De clubs die op de onderste twee plaatsen eindigen komen in aanmerking voor degradatie naar de Middlesex County League, de Reading League of de ."@nl . "Level 8"@en . . . "The Combined Counties Football League is a regional men's football league in south-eastern England with members in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Jersey, Kent, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Surrey, and the western half and south-eastern quarter of Greater London, featuring a number of professional clubs. It is sponsored by Cherry Red Records and is officially known as the Cherry Red Records Combined Counties Football League."@en . . . . . . "Combined Counties Football League"@sv . . . . . "The Combined Counties Football League \u00E4r en engelsk regional fotbollsliga. Den best\u00E5r till st\u00F6rsta delen av lag fr\u00E5n in Berkshire, Hampshire, Kent, London, Middlesex, Oxfordshire och Surrey. Den har tv\u00E5 divisioner och . Premier Division ligger p\u00E5 niv\u00E5 9 i det engelska ligasystemet. Den kan i sin nuvarande skepnad sp\u00E5ras tillbaka till 1978 n\u00E4r Surrey Senior League genomgick en f\u00F6r\u00E4ndring f\u00F6r att f\u00F6rs\u00F6ka attrahera fotbollsklubbar utanf\u00F6r grevskapet. Den nya ligan kallades till att b\u00F6rja med Home Counties League men efter protester s\u00E5 \u00E4ndrades namnet 1979 till det nuvarande."@sv . "Division One Challenge Cup: Maccabi London Lions" . . "England"@en . . . "Premier Division South:Beckenham Town" . . "333317"^^ . . . . . . . . . "61"^^ . "Combined Counties Football League"@nl . . . . . . "Combined Counties Football League"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Premier Challenge Cup:Walton & Hersham" . . . . . . . . . "1922"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Premier Challenge Cup: Walton & Hersham"@en . "Development Cup"@en . . . . . . . . . . "La Combined Counties League \u00E8 una lega calcistica inglese a valenza regionale costituita da squadre provenienti da Berkshire, Greater London, Hampshire, Kent e Surrey. Come la Kent League, anch'essa si posiziona, nel suo gradino pi\u00F9 alto, alnono livello della piramide del calcio inglese.Le radici storiche di questa lega risalgono al 1978, quando la Surrey Senior League cerc\u00F2 di allargarsi tramite la partecipazione di squadre esterne a quella contea. Nacque cos\u00EC la Home Counties League, poi rinominata nei termini odierni nel 1979.Eccezionalmente, nella stagione 1981-82, a causa del gran numero di squadre iscritte la lega venne divisa in due gironi che videro le squadre vincenti affrontarsi in doppia gara per la conquista del titolo.Tecnicamente i vincitori della lega accedono al quarto grad"@it . "Grant McLellan Youth Cup: Kingstonian"@en . . "Combined Counties Football League"@en . . . . .