. . . . . . . . . "Seiko Hashimoto"@en . . . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (* 17. M\u00E4rz 1942 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) ist ein brasilianischer Sportfunktion\u00E4r, Jurist und Sportler. Als Sportler war er Volleyballspieler, als Funktion\u00E4r Pr\u00E4sident des Organisationskomitees f\u00FCr die XXXI. Olympischen Spiele 2016 in Rio de Janeiro sowie Pr\u00E4sident des Nationalen Olympischen Komitees von Brasilien und \u00FCberdies IOC-Mitglied."@de . . "2016"^^ . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@de . "1995"^^ . . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (born 17 March 1942) is a Brazilian lawyer and former volleyball player, having competed professionally from 1957 to 1972 and represented the national team between 1962 and 1968. Nuzman was part of the first Brazilian male volleyball team at the 1964 Summer Olympics, when the sport debuted at the Olympic Games. He later became an administrator, with the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation (CBV) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). He was the leader of the Rio de Janeiro bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics and was subsequently appointed head of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 (Rio 2016)."@en . . "Sports official"@en . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (nacido el 17 de marzo de 1942 en R\u00EDo de Janeiro) abogado brasile\u00F1o y jugador retirado de voleibol. Fue presidente de la Organizaci\u00F3n Deportiva Suramericana entre 2003 y 2017, presidente del Comit\u00E9 Ol\u00EDmpico Brasile\u00F1o entre 1995 y 2017, y fue el responsable de la organizaci\u00F3n de los Juegos Ol\u00EDmpicos de R\u00EDo de Janeiro 2016."@es . . . . . "\u30AB\u30EB\u30ED\u30B9\u30FB\u30A2\u30EB\u30C8\u30A5\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30CC\u30BA\u30DE\u30F3\uFF08Carlos Arthur Nuzman\u30011942\u5E743\u670817\u65E5 - \uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D6\u30E9\u30B8\u30EB\u306E\u5143\u30D0\u30EC\u30FC\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u9078\u624B\u3067\u3001\u73FE\u5728\u306F\u5F01\u8B77\u58EB\u30012016\u5E74\u30EA\u30AA\u30C7\u30B8\u30E3\u30CD\u30A4\u30ED\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30D1\u30E9\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30C3\u30AF\u7D44\u7E54\u59D4\u54E1\u4F1A\u4F1A\u9577\u3002\u30EA\u30AA\u30C7\u30B8\u30E3\u30CD\u30A4\u30ED\u5E02\u51FA\u8EAB\u3002\u8EAB\u9577185cm\u3001\u4F53\u91CD78kg\u3002"@ja . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman, n\u00E9 le 17 mars 1942 \u00E0 Rio de Janeiro, est un dirigeant sportif, un avocat et ancien joueur de volley-ball br\u00E9silien."@fr . "1975"^^ . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (nacido el 17 de marzo de 1942 en R\u00EDo de Janeiro) abogado brasile\u00F1o y jugador retirado de voleibol. Fue presidente de la Organizaci\u00F3n Deportiva Suramericana entre 2003 y 2017, presidente del Comit\u00E9 Ol\u00EDmpico Brasile\u00F1o entre 1995 y 2017, y fue el responsable de la organizaci\u00F3n de los Juegos Ol\u00EDmpicos de R\u00EDo de Janeiro 2016."@es . "2016"^^ . "1998"^^ . "1996"^^ . "1996"^^ . . . . . . "Andr\u00E9 Gustavo Richer"@en . . "2009"^^ . . "Andr\u00E9 Gustavo Richer"@en . "Committee established"@en . . "died"@en . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (Rio de Janeiro, 17 de mar\u00E7o de 1942) \u00E9 um advogado, atleta e pol\u00EDtico brasileiro. Ex-jogador de v\u00F4lei, Nuzman presidiu a Confedera\u00E7\u00E3o Brasileira de Voleibol (CBV), o Comit\u00EA Ol\u00EDmpico Brasileiro (COB) e a Organiza\u00E7\u00E3o Desportiva Sul-Americana (ODESUL). Comandou a candidatura do Rio de Janeiro como sede e organiza\u00E7\u00E3o dos Jogos Pan-americanos de 2007. Como jogador de v\u00F4lei, Nuzman participou em parte da seq\u00FC\u00EAncia de onze t\u00EDtulos seguidos do Botafogo no Campeonato Carioca de Voleibol, entre as d\u00E9cadas de 1960 de 1970. Muitos creditam o \u00F3timo desempenho do v\u00F4lei brasileiro na d\u00E9cada de 1990 e come\u00E7o do s\u00E9culo XXI em grande parte ao trabalho de Nuzman como presidente da CBV. Ap\u00F3s ser acusado por corrup\u00E7\u00E3o na escolha dos Jogos Ol\u00EDmpicos Rio 2016 e ter sido preso preventivamente, renunciou aos cargos de presidente do COB e da Organiza\u00E7\u00E3o Desportiva Pan-Americana (ODEPA). Ap\u00F3s quinze dias preso, foi solto pelo Superior Tribunal de Justi\u00E7a (STJ)."@pt . . . . . "2003"^^ . "divorced"@en . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@es . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (* 17. M\u00E4rz 1942 in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien) ist ein brasilianischer Sportfunktion\u00E4r, Jurist und Sportler. Als Sportler war er Volleyballspieler, als Funktion\u00E4r Pr\u00E4sident des Organisationskomitees f\u00FCr die XXXI. Olympischen Spiele 2016 in Rio de Janeiro sowie Pr\u00E4sident des Nationalen Olympischen Komitees von Brasilien und \u00FCberdies IOC-Mitglied."@de . . . . "1942-03-17"^^ . "2016"^^ . . "2017"^^ . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (Rio de Janeiro, 17 de mar\u00E7o de 1942) \u00E9 um advogado, atleta e pol\u00EDtico brasileiro. Ex-jogador de v\u00F4lei, Nuzman presidiu a Confedera\u00E7\u00E3o Brasileira de Voleibol (CBV), o Comit\u00EA Ol\u00EDmpico Brasileiro (COB) e a Organiza\u00E7\u00E3o Desportiva Sul-Americana (ODESUL). Comandou a candidatura do Rio de Janeiro como sede e organiza\u00E7\u00E3o dos Jogos Pan-americanos de 2007."@pt . ""@en . . . . "1980"^^ . "2016-08-21"^^ . . . "President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee"@en . . . . . . . "Sebastian Coe"@en . . . . . . "10651"^^ . . . "Paulo Wanderley Teixeira"@en . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@fr . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman, n\u00E9 le 17 mars 1942 \u00E0 Rio de Janeiro, est un dirigeant sportif, un avocat et ancien joueur de volley-ball br\u00E9silien."@fr . . . "President of the South American Sports Organization"@en . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman (born 17 March 1942) is a Brazilian lawyer and former volleyball player, having competed professionally from 1957 to 1972 and represented the national team between 1962 and 1968. Nuzman was part of the first Brazilian male volleyball team at the 1964 Summer Olympics, when the sport debuted at the Olympic Games. He later became an administrator, with the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation (CBV) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). He was the leader of the Rio de Janeiro bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics and was subsequently appointed head of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016 (Rio 2016)."@en . . . . . . . "President of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016"@en . "Jacques Rogge"@en . . . "Roberto Moreira Cal\u00E7ada"@en . "Patr\u00EDcia de Brito e Cunha Engelke"@en . . . . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@en . . . . "2012-08-12"^^ . . . . "2017-10-11"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "M\u00E1rcia Peltier"@en . . . . "Thomas Bach"@en . "Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016"@en . . . . "Position dissolved"@en . . . . . . "\u30AB\u30EB\u30ED\u30B9\u30FB\u30A2\u30EB\u30C8\u30A5\u30FC\u30EB\u30FB\u30CC\u30BA\u30DE\u30F3\uFF08Carlos Arthur Nuzman\u30011942\u5E743\u670817\u65E5 - \uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D6\u30E9\u30B8\u30EB\u306E\u5143\u30D0\u30EC\u30FC\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u9078\u624B\u3067\u3001\u73FE\u5728\u306F\u5F01\u8B77\u58EB\u30012016\u5E74\u30EA\u30AA\u30C7\u30B8\u30E3\u30CD\u30A4\u30ED\u30AA\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30C3\u30AF\u30FB\u30D1\u30E9\u30EA\u30F3\u30D4\u30C3\u30AF\u7D44\u7E54\u59D4\u54E1\u4F1A\u4F1A\u9577\u3002\u30EA\u30AA\u30C7\u30B8\u30E3\u30CD\u30A4\u30ED\u5E02\u51FA\u8EAB\u3002\u8EAB\u9577185cm\u3001\u4F53\u91CD78kg\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee"@en . . "\u30AB\u30EB\u30ED\u30B9\u30FB\u30CC\u30BA\u30DE\u30F3"@ja . . . "1942-03-17"^^ . . . "1995-10-05"^^ . "Brazilian,"@en . . . . . "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil"@en . "12312696"^^ . . . "(Olympic Order)"@en . . . "250"^^ . . . . . "Russian"@en . . "1117402548"^^ . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@en . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@pt . . . "Carlos Arthur Nuzman"@en . "Antonio Rodr\u00EDguez"@en . . . . . . "President of the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation"@en . . .