. . . . . . "Oozewald"@en . . "Cady Noland (Washington, 1956) \u00E8 una scultrice concettuale postmoderna statunitense le cui installazioni sono esposte a livello internazionale. Il suo lavoro si occupa, tra i vari temi, della promessa fallita del sogno americano e del divario tra la fama e l'anonimato. Il suo lavoro \u00E8 stato esposto in musei e mostre tra cui la Whitney Biennial nel 1991 e Documenta 9 a Kassel, in Germania. Ha frequentato il Sarah Lawrence College ed \u00E8 la figlia del pittore del Color Field Kenneth Noland (1924-2010)."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Big Slide"@en . . "Cady Noland (Washington DC, 1956) \u00E9s una escultora conceptual i d'instal\u00B7laci\u00F3 art\u00EDstica exhibida internacional estatunidenca. La seva obra tracta sobre la promesa fallida del Somni Americ\u00E0 i la divisi\u00F3 entre la fama i l'anonimat, entre altres tem\u00E0tiques. La seva obra ha estat exhibida en museu i exposicions com en l'exposici\u00F3 de el 1991 o en el documenta IX a Kassel, Alemanya. \u00C9s la filla del Color Fielddel pintor Kenneth Noland."@ca . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland (born 1956) is an American postmodern conceptual sculptor and an internationally exhibited installation artist whose work deals with the failed promise of the American Dream and the divide between fame and anonymity, among other themes. Her work has been exhibited in museums and expositions including the Whitney Biennial in 1991 and Documenta 9 in Kassel, Germany. Noland is known for her reticence to be publicly identified, having only ever allowed one photograph of herself to be publicly released, and for her numerous disputes and lawsuits with museums, galleries, and collectors over their handling of her work. She attended Sarah Lawrence College and is the daughter of the Color Field painter Kenneth Noland."@en . . . "Cady Noland"@ca . . . "1123433809"^^ . . . . . . . "Cady Noland (n\u00E9e en 1956 \u00E0 Washington, DC.) est une sculptrice et artiste conceptuelle, dont le travail porte sur la promesse non tenue du r\u00EAve am\u00E9ricain et le foss\u00E9 entre la c\u00E9l\u00E9brit\u00E9 et l'anonymat entre autres th\u00E8mes. Son travail a \u00E9t\u00E9 expos\u00E9 dans des mus\u00E9es et des expositions dont la Biennale de Whitney en 1991 et documenta 9 de Cassel, en Allemagne. Elle a fr\u00E9quent\u00E9 le Sarah Lawrence College et est la fille de l'artiste peintre Kenneth Noland (1924-2010)."@fr . . . "Cady Noland (* 1956 in Washington, D.C.) ist eine US-amerikanische Objekt- und Installationsk\u00FCnstlerin sowie Fotografin."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland (n\u00E9e en 1956 \u00E0 Washington, DC.) est une sculptrice et artiste conceptuelle, dont le travail porte sur la promesse non tenue du r\u00EAve am\u00E9ricain et le foss\u00E9 entre la c\u00E9l\u00E9brit\u00E9 et l'anonymat entre autres th\u00E8mes. Son travail a \u00E9t\u00E9 expos\u00E9 dans des mus\u00E9es et des expositions dont la Biennale de Whitney en 1991 et documenta 9 de Cassel, en Allemagne. Elle a fr\u00E9quent\u00E9 le Sarah Lawrence College et est la fille de l'artiste peintre Kenneth Noland (1924-2010). Noland d\u00E9tient le record de la somme atteinte la plus \u00E9lev\u00E9e par l'\u0153uvre d'art d'une artiste femme encore vivante (6,6 M $), pour son travail Oozewald (1989). En mai 2012, cela faisait plus de dix ans qu'elle n'avait plus expos\u00E9 publiquement son travail."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland (* 1956 in Washington, D.C.) ist eine US-amerikanische Objekt- und Installationsk\u00FCnstlerin sowie Fotografin."@de . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland (Washington, 1956) \u00E8 una scultrice concettuale postmoderna statunitense le cui installazioni sono esposte a livello internazionale. Il suo lavoro si occupa, tra i vari temi, della promessa fallita del sogno americano e del divario tra la fama e l'anonimato. Il suo lavoro \u00E8 stato esposto in musei e mostre tra cui la Whitney Biennial nel 1991 e Documenta 9 a Kassel, in Germania. Ha frequentato il Sarah Lawrence College ed \u00E8 la figlia del pittore del Color Field Kenneth Noland (1924-2010)."@it . . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "American"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Noland at Documenta in Kassel in 2006."@en . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@en . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tower of Terror"@en . "Cady Noland (born 1956) is an American postmodern conceptual sculptor and an internationally exhibited installation artist whose work deals with the failed promise of the American Dream and the divide between fame and anonymity, among other themes. Her work has been exhibited in museums and expositions including the Whitney Biennial in 1991 and Documenta 9 in Kassel, Germany. Noland is known for her reticence to be publicly identified, having only ever allowed one photograph of herself to be publicly released, and for her numerous disputes and lawsuits with museums, galleries, and collectors over their handling of her work. She attended Sarah Lawrence College and is the daughter of the Color Field painter Kenneth Noland."@en . "This Piece Has No Title Yet"@en . "25756138"^^ . ""@en . . . "Cady Noland (Washington DC, 1956) \u00E9s una escultora conceptual i d'instal\u00B7laci\u00F3 art\u00EDstica exhibida internacional estatunidenca. La seva obra tracta sobre la promesa fallida del Somni Americ\u00E0 i la divisi\u00F3 entre la fama i l'anonimat, entre altres tem\u00E0tiques. La seva obra ha estat exhibida en museu i exposicions com en l'exposici\u00F3 de el 1991 o en el documenta IX a Kassel, Alemanya. \u00C9s la filla del Color Fielddel pintor Kenneth Noland."@ca . . . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@fr . . . . . . . . "Cady Noland"@it . . . . . . . "33916"^^ . . .