"A regi\u00E3o conhecida como Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro \u00E9 uma \u00E1rea situada no extremo noroeste do Brasil, estado do Amazonas, em regi\u00E3o de fronteira com a Col\u00F4mbia e Venezuela. \u00C9 assim conhecida por causa do desenho formado pela linha da fronteira brasileira com seus pa\u00EDses vizinhos, que lembram o formato da cabe\u00E7a daquele animal, quando est\u00E1 com a boca aberta. Os limites desta regi\u00E3o do noroeste do Amazonas foram demarcados em 1907 pelo Tratado de Bogot\u00E1, que estabeleceu as atuais fronteiras entre a Col\u00F4mbia e o Brasil."@pt . "Amazonense ;"@en . "0.3"^^ . . . . "Amazonense (individual from Amazonas state);"@en . . "160000000000.0"^^ . "Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro"@pt . . . . . . . . "Brasileiro (Brazilian)"@en . . . "mixed White-Amerindian"@en . . . . . "Northernmost point ."@en . . "1928-11-15"^^ . . . "The region known as Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro (Dog\u2018s head) is the area comprising the northwesternmost end of the state of Amazonas, Brazil, bordering on Colombia and Venezuela. This region roughly coincides with the Brazilian municipality of S\u00E3o Gabriel da Cachoeira and parts of Japur\u00E1, and shares international borders with the Venezuelan state of Amazonas (to the northeast), and the Colombian departments of Guain\u00EDa (to north), Vaup\u00E9s (to west) and Amazonas (to southwest). The Brazilian Army maintains a border platoon next to the border tripoint, at the village of Cucu\u00ED, where there is also a Brazilian Air Force base. Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro means, literally, \"Dog's Head\" in Portuguese. The name was given after the shape of this region's map, that resembles the head of a dog with its mouth wide open. This picturesque geographical shape was defined by the Treaty of Bogot\u00E1, which was signed by Colombia and Brazil in 1907 and defined the borders between the two countries according to the uti possidetis criterium. These borders were later confirmed by a supplementary Colombian-Brazilian treaty in 1928. The area has several Amerindian reservations. The municipality of S\u00E3o Gabriel da Cachoeira, in Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro, is the first in Brazil to adopt an Amerindian language, Nheengatu, as co-official with Portuguese. The region also has one of the largest niobium reserves in the world."@en . "Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro"@en . . . . . . . "+55-97" . . . . "0.3"^^ . . "160000"^^ . "-0.13 -67.08888888888889" . . "\"National Anthem of Brazil\""@en . . . "BRL"@en . . . "50000"^^ . . . "-67.08889007568359"^^ . . . . "Rough Eastern boundary ."@en . "+55-97"@en . . "no DST"@en . . "Westernmost point ."@en . . . . "POINT(-67.088890075684 -0.12999999523163)"^^ . "Nheengatu"@en . "20007228"^^ . . . . . "La r\u00E9gion connue comme la Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro (ce qui signifie, en fran\u00E7ais, \u00AB T\u00EAte de chien\u202F\u00BB) est une zone situ\u00E9e \u00E0 l'extr\u00EAme Nord-Ouest du Br\u00E9sil, dans l'\u00C9tat d'Amazonas, jouxtant la section nord de la fronti\u00E8re entre le Br\u00E9sil et la Colombie et \u2014 sur une plus courte longueur \u2014 la section occidentale de celle entre le Br\u00E9sil et le Venezuela. Elle est d\u00E9nomm\u00E9e ainsi parce que le dessin que fait le trac\u00E9 de ces fronti\u00E8res ressemble \u00E0 la t\u00EAte d'un chien (avec la gueule ouverte vers la gauche). Le lieu poss\u00E8de plusieurs territoires indig\u00E8nes. Il s'y trouve aussi, depuis le 23 mai 2005, une unit\u00E9 de la Force a\u00E9rienne br\u00E9silienne (For\u00E7a A\u00E9ra Brasileira, FAB), le d\u00E9tachement a\u00E9ronautique de S\u00E3o Gabriel da Cachoeira (DASG)."@fr . . . . "The region known as Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro (Dog\u2018s head) is the area comprising the northwesternmost end of the state of Amazonas, Brazil, bordering on Colombia and Venezuela. This region roughly coincides with the Brazilian municipality of S\u00E3o Gabriel da Cachoeira and parts of Japur\u00E1, and shares international borders with the Venezuelan state of Amazonas (to the northeast), and the Colombian departments of Guain\u00EDa (to north), Vaup\u00E9s (to west) and Amazonas (to southwest). The Brazilian Army maintains a border platoon next to the border tripoint, at the village of Cucu\u00ED, where there is also a Brazilian Air Force base."@en . . "La r\u00E9gion connue comme la Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro (ce qui signifie, en fran\u00E7ais, \u00AB T\u00EAte de chien\u202F\u00BB) est une zone situ\u00E9e \u00E0 l'extr\u00EAme Nord-Ouest du Br\u00E9sil, dans l'\u00C9tat d'Amazonas, jouxtant la section nord de la fronti\u00E8re entre le Br\u00E9sil et la Colombie et \u2014 sur une plus courte longueur \u2014 la section occidentale de celle entre le Br\u00E9sil et le Venezuela. Elle est d\u00E9nomm\u00E9e ainsi parce que le dessin que fait le trac\u00E9 de ces fronti\u00E8res ressemble \u00E0 la t\u00EAte d'un chien (avec la gueule ouverte vers la gauche)."@fr . . "Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro"@fr . . "0.3"^^ . . . . . . . "Brazilian-Colombian Treaty of Limits and Navigation"@en . "-0.1299999952316284"^^ . "2008"^^ . . . . . . . . "Amerindian and"@en . "Brazilian-Colombian Treaty of Bogot\u00E1"@en . . "50000"^^ . . . . . "160000.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "Rough Southern boundary ."@en . "1907-04-21"^^ . . "1064735280"^^ . . . "Mapa de la frontera Brasil-Colombia.svg"@en . . . . "Brasileiro"@en . . . . "BRL" . . . . "Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro"@en . . "A regi\u00E3o conhecida como Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro \u00E9 uma \u00E1rea situada no extremo noroeste do Brasil, estado do Amazonas, em regi\u00E3o de fronteira com a Col\u00F4mbia e Venezuela. \u00C9 assim conhecida por causa do desenho formado pela linha da fronteira brasileira com seus pa\u00EDses vizinhos, que lembram o formato da cabe\u00E7a daquele animal, quando est\u00E1 com a boca aberta. Os limites desta regi\u00E3o do noroeste do Amazonas foram demarcados em 1907 pelo Tratado de Bogot\u00E1, que estabeleceu as atuais fronteiras entre a Col\u00F4mbia e o Brasil. O local possui v\u00E1rias \u00E1reas demarcadas em favor das comunidades ind\u00EDgenas existentes no local. Possui tamb\u00E9m, desde 23 de maio de 2005, uma unidade da For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea Brasileira (FAB), o Destacamento de Aeron\u00E1utica de S\u00E3o Gabriel da Cachoeira (DASG)."@pt . . . "Cabe\u00E7a do Cachorro"@en . . "4788"^^ .