"Artifact \u00E8 un film del 2012 diretto da Jared Leto sotto lo pseudonimo di Bartholomew Cubbins, un personaggio ricorrente nel mondo dello scrittore noto come Dr. Seuss. Il film \u00E8 un documentario sulla produzione dell'album This Is War e la battaglia legale dei Thirty Seconds to Mars con l'etichetta discografica EMI. Artifact presenta numerosi interviste a diverse personalit\u00E0, tra i quali il neuroscienziato Daniel Levitin. Artifact ha avuto la sua anteprima mondiale al Toronto International Film Festival del 2012, durante il quale ha ricevuto il premio del pubblico al miglior documentario. Il film \u00E8 stato pubblicato il 3 dicembre 2013."@it . . "6180.0"^^ . "32421123"^^ . . . . . . . . "Stefanie Visser"@en . . . . "Artifact est un film documentaire am\u00E9ricain r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Jared Leto, sorti en 2013."@fr . . . ""@en . . . . "103.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . "\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0435\u0444\u0430\u043A\u0442 (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Artifact) \u2014 \u0430\u043C\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043A\u0430\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0434\u043E\u043A\u0443\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C, \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0451\u0440\u043E\u043C \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0433\u043E \u044F\u0432\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0430\u043A\u0442\u0451\u0440 \u0438 \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430\u043D\u0442 \u0414\u0436\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u041B\u0435\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u043F\u0441\u0435\u0432\u0434\u043E\u043D\u0438\u043C\u043E\u043C Bartholomew Cubbins. \u0420\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u044F \u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0443 \u043E \u0441\u043E\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u043C \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u043C \u0431\u0438\u0437\u043D\u0435\u0441\u0435, \u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0441\u043E\u0431\u044B\u0442\u0438\u044F \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0441 \u0432\u044B\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u043E\u043C \u0430\u043B\u044C\u0431\u043E\u043C\u0430 This Is War \u0433\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u043E\u0439 Thirty Seconds to Mars \u0438 \u0431\u043E\u0440\u044C\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u0433\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u044B \u0441 \u043B\u0435\u0439\u0431\u043B\u043E\u043C EMI."@ru . "United States"@en . . "FilmBuff"@en . . . "\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0435\u0444\u0430\u043A\u0442 (\u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. Artifact) \u2014 \u0430\u043C\u0435\u0440\u0438\u043A\u0430\u043D\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0434\u043E\u043A\u0443\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C, \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0451\u0440\u043E\u043C \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0433\u043E \u044F\u0432\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0430\u043A\u0442\u0451\u0440 \u0438 \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430\u043D\u0442 \u0414\u0436\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u041B\u0435\u0442\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0434 \u043F\u0441\u0435\u0432\u0434\u043E\u043D\u0438\u043C\u043E\u043C Bartholomew Cubbins. \u0420\u0430\u0441\u0441\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u044F \u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0434\u0443 \u043E \u0441\u043E\u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u043C \u043C\u0443\u0437\u044B\u043A\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u043C \u0431\u0438\u0437\u043D\u0435\u0441\u0435, \u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0441\u043E\u0431\u044B\u0442\u0438\u044F \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0441 \u0432\u044B\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u043E\u043C \u0430\u043B\u044C\u0431\u043E\u043C\u0430 This Is War \u0433\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u043E\u0439 Thirty Seconds to Mars \u0438 \u0431\u043E\u0440\u044C\u0431\u043E\u0439 \u0433\u0440\u0443\u043F\u043F\u044B \u0441 \u043B\u0435\u0439\u0431\u043B\u043E\u043C EMI."@ru . . . . "English"@en . . . . . "Awards for Artifact"@en . . . . . "Artifact"@en . . "Sisyphus Corporation"@en . . . . . . . . . "Artifact"@en . . . . . . . "25258"^^ . . "\u0410\u0440\u0442\u0435\u0444\u0430\u043A\u0442 (\u0444\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043C, 2012)"@ru . . "Theatrical release poster"@en . . . "Jared Leto"@en . . . . "1118431558"^^ . . . . . "Artifact is a 2012 American documentary film directed by Jared Leto under the pseudonym of Bartholomew Cubbins. It was produced by Leto and Emma Ludbrook through their production company Sisyphus. Artifact chronicles the modern music business as it charts the legal dispute between Leto's rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars and record label EMI, which filed a $30 million breach of contract lawsuit against them in 2008, after the band tried to exit its contract over a royalties dispute. Thirty Seconds to Mars is shown working with producer Flood to create the 2009 album This Is War, meeting with lawyers between recording sessions."@en . . "Emma Ludbrook"@en . "Artifact es el primer DVD de la banda estadounidense 30 Seconds to Mars. El documental fue dirigido por Jared Leto bajo el seud\u00F3nimo de Bartholomew Cubbins. La pel\u00EDcula documental trata sobre la realizaci\u00F3n y sesiones de grabaci\u00F3n del \u00E1lbum de la banda, This Is War y la batalla legal de la banda contra su discogr\u00E1fica Virgin Records.\u200B En este documental hay varias entrevistas, incluyendo una con el neurofisiologo Daniel Levitin, el autor del libro This Is Your Brain On Music.\u200B"@es . . . "6180.0"^^ . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Artifact \u00E8 un film del 2012 diretto da Jared Leto sotto lo pseudonimo di Bartholomew Cubbins, un personaggio ricorrente nel mondo dello scrittore noto come Dr. Seuss. Il film \u00E8 un documentario sulla produzione dell'album This Is War e la battaglia legale dei Thirty Seconds to Mars con l'etichetta discografica EMI. Artifact presenta numerosi interviste a diverse personalit\u00E0, tra i quali il neuroscienziato Daniel Levitin. Artifact ha avuto la sua anteprima mondiale al Toronto International Film Festival del 2012, durante il quale ha ricevuto il premio del pubblico al miglior documentario."@it . "Artifact es el primer DVD de la banda estadounidense 30 Seconds to Mars. El documental fue dirigido por Jared Leto bajo el seud\u00F3nimo de Bartholomew Cubbins. La pel\u00EDcula documental trata sobre la realizaci\u00F3n y sesiones de grabaci\u00F3n del \u00E1lbum de la banda, This Is War y la batalla legal de la banda contra su discogr\u00E1fica Virgin Records.\u200B En este documental hay varias entrevistas, incluyendo una con el neurofisiologo Daniel Levitin, el autor del libro This Is Your Brain On Music.\u200B"@es . . "Artifact (film)"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Artifact (film)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Daniel Hernandez"@en . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Jared Leto"@en . . . . ""@en . "Artifact (documental)"@es . . . "Artifact est un film documentaire am\u00E9ricain r\u00E9alis\u00E9 par Jared Leto, sorti en 2013."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Artifact (film)"@en . . . . . . "Artifact is a 2012 American documentary film directed by Jared Leto under the pseudonym of Bartholomew Cubbins. It was produced by Leto and Emma Ludbrook through their production company Sisyphus. Artifact chronicles the modern music business as it charts the legal dispute between Leto's rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars and record label EMI, which filed a $30 million breach of contract lawsuit against them in 2008, after the band tried to exit its contract over a royalties dispute. Thirty Seconds to Mars is shown working with producer Flood to create the 2009 album This Is War, meeting with lawyers between recording sessions. Artifact had its world premiere at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival where it received the People's Choice Award for Best Documentary. Critics praised the examination of the state of the modern music industry and its focus on the relationship between artists and record companies. The film received a limited theatrical release beginning November 23, 2013, before being released digitally on December 3, 2013."@en . .