. . . . . . . . . . . "Amos Urban Shirk"@pt . . . . . . . "2617"^^ . . . "1065309809"^^ . . . "Amos Urban Shirk"@en . . . . "Amos Urban Shirk (1890 \u2014 20 de outubro de 1956) foi um negociante estadunidense, autor e leitor de enciclop\u00E9dias. Como homem de neg\u00F3cios, trabalhou na ind\u00FAstria de alimentos. Escreveu Marketing Through Food Brokers, publicado em 1939 pela McGraw-Hill. Inventou uma goma de mascar sint\u00E9tica e introduziu c\u00E1psulas de vitamina nas mercearias. Ele tamb\u00E9m \u00E9 reconhecido por ter sido um leitor prodigioso. Leu os 23 volumes inteiros da Encyclop\u00E6dia Britannica de 1911, em quatro anos e meio, lendo uma m\u00E9dia tr\u00EAs horas por noite, levando de dois a seis meses em cada volume. Em 1938, come\u00E7ou a ler a 14\u00AA edi\u00E7\u00E3o, e disse que a achava que nesta edi\u00E7\u00E3o houvera um grande progresso sobre a 11\u00AA edi\u00E7\u00E3o e que a maior parte do material havia sido completamente reescrito. Shirk n\u00E3o se limitou exclusivamente \u00E0 leitura da Britannica. Ele tamb\u00E9m leu os 24 volumes de Historians' History of the World, de , o que lhe tomou dois anos. Entre seus outros feitos de leitor prodigioso est\u00E3o a leitura de 18 volumes escritos por Alexandre Dumas, pai, que leu duas vezes; 32 volumes de livros de Honor\u00E9 de Balzac, que tamb\u00E9m leu duas vezes; e 32 volumes de obras de Charles Dickens, que leu tr\u00EAs vezes. Shirk tinha outros hobbies, como a pintura e cole\u00E7\u00E3o de discos."@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "3213438"^^ . . . . . "Amos Urban Shirk (c. 1890 \u2013 October 20, 1956) was an American businessman, author and reader of encyclopedias. As a businessman he worked in the food industry. He wrote Marketing Through Food Brokers, published in 1939 by McGraw-Hill. He invented a synthetic chicle and introduced vitamin capsules to grocery stores. Shirk did not limit himself to Britannica. He also read Henry Smith Williams's 24-volume Historians' History of the World, which took him two years, as well as an 18-volume set of works by Alexandre Dumas, a 32-volume set of Honor\u00E9 de Balzac, and a 20-volume set of Charles Dickens."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Amos Urban Shirk (c. 1890 \u2013 October 20, 1956) was an American businessman, author and reader of encyclopedias. As a businessman he worked in the food industry. He wrote Marketing Through Food Brokers, published in 1939 by McGraw-Hill. He invented a synthetic chicle and introduced vitamin capsules to grocery stores. He was also renowned as a prodigious reader. Shirk read the entire 23-volume 1911 Encyclop\u00E6dia Britannica from cover to cover in four and a half years, reading on average three hours per evening, and taking two to six months per volume. As of 1934, he had begun reading the 14th edition, saying he found it a \"big improvement\" over the 11th, and saying that \"most of the material had been completely rewritten\". Shirk did not limit himself to Britannica. He also read Henry Smith Williams's 24-volume Historians' History of the World, which took him two years, as well as an 18-volume set of works by Alexandre Dumas, a 32-volume set of Honor\u00E9 de Balzac, and a 20-volume set of Charles Dickens. Shirk had other hobbies including painting and record collecting."@en . "Amos Urban Shirk (1890 \u2014 20 de outubro de 1956) foi um negociante estadunidense, autor e leitor de enciclop\u00E9dias. Como homem de neg\u00F3cios, trabalhou na ind\u00FAstria de alimentos. Escreveu Marketing Through Food Brokers, publicado em 1939 pela McGraw-Hill. Inventou uma goma de mascar sint\u00E9tica e introduziu c\u00E1psulas de vitamina nas mercearias. Shirk tinha outros hobbies, como a pintura e cole\u00E7\u00E3o de discos."@pt .