. . . . . . . . . . . . "Amenhotep va ser un pr\u00EDncep egipci de la XVIII Dinastia. Era fill i possiblement l'hereu designat d'Amenofis II. Va ser sacerdot de Ptah i apareix esmentat en un papir administratiu (avui al Museu Brit\u00E0nic). Una estela prop de la Gran Esfinx, que mostra un sacerdot de Ptah el nom del qual va ser esborrat, probablement el representa. Segurament va morir jove, ja que el seg\u00FCent fara\u00F3 va ser el seu germ\u00E0 Tuthmosis IV."@ca . "Amenhotep was an ancient Egyptian prince during the 18th Dynasty, son and (possibly) the designated heir of Amenhotep II. He was a priest of Ptah and is mentioned in an administrative papyrus (now in the British Museum). A stela near the Great Sphinx, showing a priest of Ptah whose name was erased, probably depicts him. It is likely that he died young, for the next pharaoh was his brother Thutmose IV."@en . "21974959"^^ . . . "915"^^ . . . . . . . "Amenhotep (pr\u00EDncep)"@ca . . "1020425166"^^ . . . . "Amenhotep va ser un pr\u00EDncep egipci de la XVIII Dinastia. Era fill i possiblement l'hereu designat d'Amenofis II. Va ser sacerdot de Ptah i apareix esmentat en un papir administratiu (avui al Museu Brit\u00E0nic). Una estela prop de la Gran Esfinx, que mostra un sacerdot de Ptah el nom del qual va ser esborrat, probablement el representa. Segurament va morir jove, ja que el seg\u00FCent fara\u00F3 va ser el seu germ\u00E0 Tuthmosis IV."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Amenhotep was an ancient Egyptian prince during the 18th Dynasty, son and (possibly) the designated heir of Amenhotep II. He was a priest of Ptah and is mentioned in an administrative papyrus (now in the British Museum). A stela near the Great Sphinx, showing a priest of Ptah whose name was erased, probably depicts him. It is likely that he died young, for the next pharaoh was his brother Thutmose IV."@en . . . "Amenhotep (prince)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . .