. "Agnes Tschetschulin, f\u00F6dd 24 februari 1859 i Helsingfors, d\u00F6d 23 april 1942 i Stockholm, var en en finl\u00E4ndsk violinist, komposit\u00F6r och musikpedagog. Tschetschulin f\u00F6ddes in i en k\u00F6pmansfamilj i Helsingfors. Den ryskf\u00F6dda fadern, kommerser\u00E5det , \u00E4gde och drev en \u00E5ngb\u00E5t. Modern Hilda (f\u00F6dd Eckstein) var av svensk k\u00F6pmanssl\u00E4kt. Familjen inkluderade ocks\u00E5 tre andra systrar, M\u00E9lanie, Eug\u00E9nie och den f\u00F6rstf\u00F6dda Maria Tschetschulin, Nordens f\u00F6rsta kvinnliga student."@sv . "Agnes Tschetschulin"@en . . . "Agnes Tschetschulin (24 February 1859 \u2013 23 April 1942) was a Finnish composer and violinist who toured internationally. Tschetschulin was born in Helsinki to Feodor and Hilda Eckstein Tschetschulin. She had three sisters: Maria, Melanie, and Eugenie. Hilda hosted salons with musical performances and discussions. Feodor owned a steamboat company. After his death in 1871, his oldest daughter Maria Tschetschulin became the first woman in Finland to attend the University of Helsinki, where she hoped to gain the skills she needed to help support her family."@en . . . . . . . . . "7631"^^ . . . . . "67728711"^^ . "1097051749"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Agnes Tschetschulin"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Agnes Tschetschulin (24 February 1859 \u2013 23 April 1942) was a Finnish composer and violinist who toured internationally. Tschetschulin was born in Helsinki to Feodor and Hilda Eckstein Tschetschulin. She had three sisters: Maria, Melanie, and Eugenie. Hilda hosted salons with musical performances and discussions. Feodor owned a steamboat company. After his death in 1871, his oldest daughter Maria Tschetschulin became the first woman in Finland to attend the University of Helsinki, where she hoped to gain the skills she needed to help support her family. Agnes Tschetschulin studied music at the Helsinki Music Institute (today the Sibelius Academy) from 1882 to 1885, where she was one of the first four graduates. She received a grant from the Finnish government to travel to Berlin to study at the K\u00F6nigliche Hochschule f\u00FCr Musik (today the Berlin University of the Arts). Her teachers included Woldemar Bargiel (the half-brother of Clara Schumann) Heinrich von Herzogenberg, Ernst Joachim, Joseph Joachim, Gustav Niemann, Anton Sitt, Philipp Spitta, Martin Wegelius, and Emanuel Wirth. After finishing school, Tschetschulin spent several years touring with an all-female string quartet organized by Marie Soldat, who played first violin. Tschetschulin played second violin, Gabriele Roy played viola and Lucy Campbell played cello. The group was managed by the Herman Wolff Agency, which also managed the Berlin Philharmonic. The group was billed as the world's first all-female professional string quartet. In 1892, Tschetschulin began teaching violin at the Cheltenham Ladies' College in England. In 1904, she became a British citizen and moved to London to work as a freelance musician. She returned to Finland during World War I, then emigrated to Stockholm, where she lived until her death in 1942. She was buried in Stockholm with her longtime companion, pianist Tora Hwass (1861\u20131918). Tschetschulin's music was published by N. Simrock and Skandinavisk Musikforlag. Her compositions include:"@en . . . . . . "Agnes Tschetschulin, f\u00F6dd 24 februari 1859 i Helsingfors, d\u00F6d 23 april 1942 i Stockholm, var en en finl\u00E4ndsk violinist, komposit\u00F6r och musikpedagog. Tschetschulin f\u00F6ddes in i en k\u00F6pmansfamilj i Helsingfors. Den ryskf\u00F6dda fadern, kommerser\u00E5det , \u00E4gde och drev en \u00E5ngb\u00E5t. Modern Hilda (f\u00F6dd Eckstein) var av svensk k\u00F6pmanssl\u00E4kt. Familjen inkluderade ocks\u00E5 tre andra systrar, M\u00E9lanie, Eug\u00E9nie och den f\u00F6rstf\u00F6dda Maria Tschetschulin, Nordens f\u00F6rsta kvinnliga student. Agnes Tschetschulin b\u00F6rjade studera violin med och sedan vid det nygrundade Helsingfors musikinstitut fr\u00E5n 1882 till 1885 f\u00F6r Martin Wegelius och Anton Sitt. Bland de studerande vid den tiden fanns ocks\u00E5 Jean Sibelius. Hon fortsatte sina studier i ytterligare sex \u00E5r p\u00E5 i Berlin med , och Joseph Joachim. Hon studerade komposition f\u00F6r Woldemar Bargiel och musikhistoria f\u00F6r Philipp Spitta. 1891 gav Tschetschulin sina f\u00F6rsta konserter i Berlin och Helsingfors, d\u00E4r hon framf\u00F6rde sina egna kompositioner. Efter sina studier turnerade Tschetschulin som andraviolinist i en kvinnlig str\u00E5kkvartett tillsammans med . Hon fick sedan plats vid Cheltenham Ladies' College i England, d\u00E4r hon blev professor i musik och undervisade i fiol. Under sina sista \u00E5r bodde Tschetschulin i Stockholm. Tschetschulins romantiska och eleganta kompositioner inkluderar kammarmusikstycken som Gavotti, Valse gracieuse, Puszta Film och Alla Zingaresca. Ut\u00F6ver dessa skrev hon n\u00E5gra s\u00E5nger s\u00E5v\u00E4l som milit\u00E4ra marscher, till exempel V\u00F6yrin poikien marssi (V\u00F6r\u00E5pojkarnas marsch). Hennes kompositioner har publicerats av svenska, tyska och engelska f\u00F6rlag."@sv . . . . . .