"57376"^^ . "170492"^^ . . . . . "12"^^ . "77.63"^^ . . . . . "2008 North Dakota gubernatorial election"@en . . . "31850"^^ . "23.53"^^ . . "27.6"^^ . "File:ChristineGregoireOfficial .jpg"@en . "1.01"^^ . . . . "27"^^ . "46.55"^^ . "188555"^^ . . . "11674"^^ . "43.6"^^ . "John Bohlinger"@en . . . "2008"^^ . . . "Gregory Thompson"@en . . "705795"^^ . . . . "Municipality results"@en . "Jack Dalrymple"@en . . "Die Gouverneurswahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten 2008 fanden am 4. November 2008 statt. Von den elf zur Wahl stehenden Posten wurden sechs von Demokraten und f\u00FCnf von Republikanern gehalten. Im Ergebnis konnten die Demokraten den Gouverneursposten in Missouri hinzugewinnen. Damit stellen die Demokraten 29 und Republikaner 21 der insgesamt 50 Gouverneure. Au\u00DFerdem wurden an diesem Tag noch die Gouverneure von Amerikanisch-Samoa und Puerto Rico gew\u00E4hlt. Beide Gebiete stehen zwar unter amerikanischer Verwaltung, sind jedoch keine Bundesstaaten."@de . "181612"^^ . "United States"@en . "File:2008 North Dakota gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . "2146189"^^ . "Puerto Ricans for Puerto Rico Party"@en . . . . "65.47"^^ . . "West Virginia"@en . "Sam Young"@en . "2008 Washington gubernatorial election"@en . "Popular Democratic Party"@en . "Luis Fortu\u00F1o"@en . "Democratic Party"@en . "Joe Manchin"@en . "24820"^^ . . "Washington"@en . . "126662"^^ . . . . . . . . "266861"^^ . "0.54"^^ . . "2008 North Carolina gubernatorial election"@en . "318670"^^ . "Utah"@en . . . "Jim Douglas"@en . . . "1082463"^^ . "32.52"^^ . . "Map of the results"@en . . . . . "2.85"^^ . . "2008 Indiana gubernatorial election"@en . "0.05"^^ . . "File:Anthony Pollina.jpg"@en . . . "1025965"^^ . . "13215"^^ . "13502"^^ . . . "Democratic Party"@en . . "65.5"^^ . . "DuWayne Hendrickson"@en . "John Lynch"@en . "69.81"^^ . . "46.6"^^ . "Republican Party"@en . "69534"^^ . "74279"^^ . "46.9"^^ . "32.5"^^ . "21.79"^^ . "14987"^^ . "Montana"@en . "40.04"^^ . "41.29"^^ . "\u00C9lections des gouverneurs am\u00E9ricains de 2008"@fr . "186503"^^ . . . "0.08"^^ . . . . "New Hampshire"@en . "Christine Gregoire"@en . "New Progressive Party"@en . "46.88"^^ . "Togiola Tulafono"@en . "0.64"^^ . "53693"^^ . . . . "69.8"^^ . . "682910"^^ . . . "5084"^^ . . . "File:Jim Douglas-2009 .jpg"@en . "1680611"^^ . . "Die Gouverneurswahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten 2008 fanden am 4. November 2008 statt. Von den elf zur Wahl stehenden Posten wurden sechs von Demokraten und f\u00FCnf von Republikanern gehalten. Im Ergebnis konnten die Demokraten den Gouverneursposten in Missouri hinzugewinnen. Damit stellen die Demokraten 29 und Republikaner 21 der insgesamt 50 Gouverneure. Au\u00DFerdem wurden an diesem Tag noch die Gouverneure von Amerikanisch-Samoa und Puerto Rico gew\u00E4hlt. Beide Gebiete stehen zwar unter amerikanischer Verwaltung, sind jedoch keine Bundesstaaten. Am selben Tag fanden auch die Pr\u00E4sidentschaftswahl, die Wahl zum Repr\u00E4sentantenhaus und die Wahlen zum Senat statt."@de . . "New Progressive Party"@en . . . . "2.76"^^ . "Les \u00C9tats-Unis ont proc\u00E9d\u00E9 le 4 novembre 2008 \u00E0 l'\u00E9lection des gouverneurs dans les \u00C9tats o\u00F9 le mandat de ceux-ci arrivait \u00E0 son terme. Onze \u00C9tats, ainsi que deux territoires, \u00E9taient concern\u00E9s. Sur ces 13 \u00E9lections, on comptait huit sortants d\u00E9mocrates et trois r\u00E9publicains. Ces \u00E9lections se sont tenues lors de l'Election Day, en m\u00EAme temps que la pr\u00E9sidentielle, les \u00E9lections des repr\u00E9sentants et d'\u00E9ventuels scrutins et r\u00E9f\u00E9rendums locaux. Articles connexes : Gouverneur des \u00C9tats-Unis et Election Day."@fr . "File:Gaye Symington .jpg"@en . "52.77"^^ . . "File:Russ Weeks.jpg"@en . . . "19.72"^^ . . . "File:Puerto Rico Governor 2008.svg"@en . . . "50.3"^^ . . . "0.78"^^ . "2008 United States gubernatorial elections"@en . "319085"^^ . . . "North Dakota Democratic\u2013Nonpartisan League Party"@en . . "19.7"^^ . . . "9796"^^ . . . . . . . "32.05"^^ . . "126662"^^ . . "77.6"^^ . . "Blue Enigma Party"@en . "2008 American Samoa gubernatorial election"@en . . "File:Dino Rossi .jpg"@en . "801071"^^ . "Puerto Rican Independence Party"@en . . . "58.4"^^ . "File:Pat McCrory in 2008 .jpg"@en . . "320"^^ . "395204"^^ . . "1404124"^^ . "39.49"^^ . "Les \u00C9tats-Unis ont proc\u00E9d\u00E9 le 4 novembre 2008 \u00E0 l'\u00E9lection des gouverneurs dans les \u00C9tats o\u00F9 le mandat de ceux-ci arrivait \u00E0 son terme. Onze \u00C9tats, ainsi que deux territoires, \u00E9taient concern\u00E9s. Sur ces 13 \u00E9lections, on comptait huit sortants d\u00E9mocrates et trois r\u00E9publicains. Ces \u00E9lections se sont tenues lors de l'Election Day, en m\u00EAme temps que la pr\u00E9sidentielle, les \u00E9lections des repr\u00E9sentants et d'\u00E9ventuels scrutins et r\u00E9f\u00E9rendums locaux. Articles connexes : Gouverneur des \u00C9tats-Unis et Election Day."@fr . "1136364"^^ . . "Missouri"@en . . "United States gubernatorial elections were held on November 4, 2008, in 11 states and two territories. Prior to the election, eight of the total seats were held by Democrats and five by Republicans. Two governors were prohibited by term limits from seeking re-election in 2008. The only governorship to change party was the open seat in Missouri, which was won by a Democrat after being previously held by a Republican."@en . . "Jeffrey Brown"@en . . . . "File:3x4.svg"@en . "70.1"^^ . . . . "2146189"^^ . . . . "50.27"^^ . . . . "Republican Party"@en . . "File:2008 West Virginia gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . . "300"^^ . . . "2004"^^ . . "2006"^^ . "2007"^^ . "Rogelio Figueroa"@en . . "2004"^^ . . "2008 Utah gubernatorial election"@en . "2006"^^ . "2007"^^ . . "21.8"^^ . . "presidential"@en . . . "1.11"^^ . . "492697"^^ . "Republican Party"@en . . "2.62"^^ . "Tony O'Connor"@en . "4.46"^^ . "258"^^ . . . "American Samoa"@en . "legislative"@en . "53.0"^^ . . "North Carolina"@en . "250"^^ . "File:Beverly Perdue official photo.jpg"@en . . . . "69791"^^ . . "255"^^ . "23.5"^^ . "2008 Delaware gubernatorial election"@en . "186503"^^ . . . "43.55"^^ . "0.43"^^ . "File:Mitch Daniels.jpg"@en . "2008 United States gubernatorial elections"@en . "31486"^^ . "1136364"^^ . "2008 Montana gubernatorial election"@en . "2008-11-18"^^ . "21.7"^^ . . . . "318670"^^ . "4268941"^^ . "235009"^^ . "58265"^^ . "North Dakota"@en . "2001168"^^ . . "2.19"^^ . . . "41.3"^^ . "Indiana"@en . "56.45"^^ . "225"^^ . . "230"^^ . "Andrew Finkenstadt"@en . . "File:Jill Long.jpg"@en . . . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "27.61"^^ . "1563885"^^ . "Brian Schweitzer"@en . "File:Utu Abe Malae.jpg"@en . "File:2008 Vermont gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . "no"@en . "File:John Lynch .jpg"@en . . "158268"^^ . . . . "Bob Springmeyer"@en . . "7"^^ . "69534"^^ . "4"^^ . "2008 Vermont gubernatorial election"@en . . . . . . . . "Dell Schanze"@en . "70.15000000000001"^^ . . "945525"^^ . . "1680611"^^ . "Gouverneurswahlen in den Vereinigten Staaten 2008"@de . "326"^^ . . "Delaware"@en . . . . "28941"^^ . . . . . . . . "Jack Markell"@en . . "Independent"@en . . . "2008-11-04"^^ . . . "2008-11-18"^^ . . "Democratic Party"@en . "File:Fortuno main.jpg"@en . . . "File:Rep Kenny Hulshof .jpg"@en . "21"^^ . "2001168"^^ . . . . "266861"^^ . "29"^^ . . . . . . "74279"^^ . . . "150"^^ . "1"^^ . . "2008 Puerto Rico gubernatorial election"@en . "1118038387"^^ . . "2900962"^^ . . "Josie Valdez"@en . . . . . "0.45"^^ . . "181612"^^ . . . "File:2008 Indiana gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . "120"^^ . "Nonpartisan"@en . . . . . . "New Progressive Party"@en . "3016364"^^ . "0.97"^^ . "21.87"^^ . "1598738"^^ . . "John Hoeven"@en . . "File:2008 Delaware gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . "Mountain Party"@en . . "0.53"^^ . . "67.52"^^ . "2008"^^ . "53"^^ . "Becky Skillman"@en . "County results"@en . . . "File:2008 North Carolina gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . "Seats won"@en . . . . . "40.1"^^ . "x150px"@en . "1404124"^^ . . "100"^^ . "188555"^^ . "74.4"^^ . . "Jon Huntsman Jr."@en . . "2.01"^^ . "2008 New Hampshire gubernatorial election"@en . . . "File:Joe Manchin official portrait 112th Congress.jpg"@en . . "United States gubernatorial elections were held on November 4, 2008, in 11 states and two territories. Prior to the election, eight of the total seats were held by Democrats and five by Republicans. Two governors were prohibited by term limits from seeking re-election in 2008. The only governorship to change party was the open seat in Missouri, which was won by a Democrat after being previously held by a Republican. These elections coincided with the presidential election, as well as the elections of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives and many local elections, state elections and ballot propositions."@en . . . "58.4"^^ . "File:Brian Schweitzer official photo.jpg"@en . . "57.84"^^ . "2.03"^^ . . . "File:2008 Montana gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . "2008-11-04"^^ . . . "Liberty Union Party"@en . . "1598738"^^ . . "6590"^^ . . "479042"^^ . . . "492697"^^ . . "801071"^^ . . "28"^^ . "2.12"^^ . . . "170492"^^ . . . "2008 West Virginia gubernatorial election"@en . "2877778"^^ . "Popular Democratic Party"@en . . "0"^^ . "2703751"^^ . "1563885"^^ . "6590"^^ . "53.43"^^ . "22"^^ . . . "3106"^^ . . "File:An\u00EDbal Acevedo Vil\u00E1.jpg"@en . . "2490"^^ . . "13"^^ . "11"^^ . "735049"^^ . . "39.5"^^ . "Seats up"@en . "Susan Newell"@en . . . "File:Jon Huntsman.jpg"@en . "Jay Nixon"@en . "74.44"^^ . . "153"^^ . . . . "1933534"^^ . . "Mitch Daniels"@en . . "25.7"^^ . . "100"^^ . . "56.4"^^ . "Gary Herbert"@en . "File:Jay Nixon 2016.jpg"@en . . "67.5"^^ . . . . "2012"^^ . "Constitution Party"@en . "2010"^^ . "2011"^^ . "235009"^^ . "Popular Democratic Party"@en . "121584"^^ . "File:2008 Missouri gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . "2009"^^ . "File:Togiola Tulafono.jpg"@en . "52.8"^^ . "File:John Hoeven.jpg"@en . . . . . "57.8"^^ . "2012"^^ . "Bev Perdue"@en . "158268"^^ . . . "2009"^^ . . "2010"^^ . "File:Jack Markell 48-DPA-944 DSC 9158 .jpg"@en . "2011"^^ . . . . . . "Andy Horning"@en . "6404"^^ . "1082463"^^ . . "Democratic Party"@en . . "Vermont"@en . . . . "479042"^^ . . . "25.73"^^ . "Libertarian Party"@en . . . "1681"^^ . . "0.02"^^ . . "2.04"^^ . . "File:2008 Washington gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . . . "486734"^^ . "32.0"^^ . "5084"^^ . . "1025965"^^ . . "Puerto Rico"@en . "Edwin Irizarry Mora"@en . "1704"^^ . "Republican Party"@en . . "2008 Missouri gubernatorial election"@en . "Bob Springmeyer"@en . . . "File:2008 New Hampshire gubernatorial election results map by county.svg"@en . . "315692"^^ . . "53.4"^^ . . . "1710"^^ . . . . . . "69791"^^ . . "735049"^^ . . "39590"^^ .